Dr. Marc Rubenstein

Click on a link below to read about the experiences that patients have wanted to share about the practices of Dr. Marc Rubenstein.

Batia Gottman
The Lauberts
E.F.M of Colmar, PA
Rick Edelman

E.F.M of Colmar, PA

" I was experiencing agonizing pain in my right lower back and into my calf and right foot; accompanied with numbness in my right calf and foot. I couldn't sleep and finding a position without pain was next to impossible. I was in tears and dragging my right foot. After the first two treatments from Dr. Rubenstein I had marked improvement - meaning I had decreased pain, required less pain medication and was able to sleep. Now after 3-4 weeks of treatments I can honestly say I am at 93% improvement and have my life back. Praise GOD :)".